Adding Prefabs To Your List

Our tool provides various methods to integrate prefabs

Drag & Drop

Simply grab your desired prefab from the Project window and drag it into the Prefab Brush list.

"Add To Prefab" Button

Select any prefab in the project or on the hierarchy, Click the 'Add' button located at the bottom of the Prefab Brush window and browse for the desired prefab.

Using Right Click

Right-click within the Prefab Brush window and choose Prefab brush -> 'Add Prefab' to navigate to and select your prefab

  • 'Use These Prefabs' Option: This will reset your current prefab list and populate it exclusively with the prefabs you've just selected.

  • 'Add Prefabs' Option: This option will append the newly selected prefabs to your existing list without removing any currently in place.

You can also add objects from the hierarchy to your list. Just Right click objects on hierarchy and a Prefab Brush option will appears.

Last updated